To prevent disasters such as a storage tank fire, we want to provide all the necessary information to convince our prospective customers of the greatness of FomaFatale. However, we would like to quote an English proverb that says the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
When we talk about storage tank fires, we are talking about a severe issue where business interests must always respect the protection of human lives, the protection of nature, business continuity, and the company’s reputation. The petrochemical and chemical giants spend a lot of money to make their operations safe. Therefore, they must see how their solutions work in real-life conditions, in a real oil tanker fire scenario.
So, to convince everyone how true what we say is, we’re staging the world’s biggest firefighting show, the most monumental show the fire industry has ever seen.
We will build a 100-meter diameter storage tank, precisely like the one used by the industry. The tank will be equipped with the latest version of the FoamFatale system, which we supply to our customers. There is no cheating; we will use standardized products in our systems during the demonstration.
The storage tank will be filled with a combustible oil product and ignited. The rest is up to FoamFatale.
The most significant oil and chemical giants are already showing keen interest in the Guinness World Record demonstration. Be there with them and start your stopwatch…
Take your chance! Be one of the guests and see this extraordinary storage tank fire for yourself.
All you have to do is register! Hurry up because, from the first 100 registrants, we will draw who will be our VIP guests, whose first-class stay will be fully covered by us! Just click the registration button below and win!
Home » Hell's Fire
“In anything at all, perfection is finally attained not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away.”
(Antoine de Saint-Exupery)
+966 50 4419871
Regional Energy & Environment EST.
P.O.Box 28146 Postal Code: 11437, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
حي, Al Akheyar, Al Jazirah, Riyadh 14251, Saudi Arabia
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